Upcoming Events
Next POEC Meeting
Tuesday, September 10, 7:00pm
Room 205 @ Jr High
All attendees are entered in to win a Fiiz Sugar Gift Card!
You get double hours for coming!
Saturday, 8/10: Used Uniform Sale. This is a great chance to get uniform items in good condition for less than store prices! (or sell your used uniform items - watch for info before the event)
Thursday, 8/22: Classic Skate Spirit Night
Thursday & Friday 8/22-23: Antelope Musical Auditions (callbacks on the 27th)
Friday 8/23: North Musical Auditions (callbacks on the 26th)
Friday 8/23: 7th Grade Sunrise
Thursday, 8/27: Dine Out Spirit Night at Menchie's in Layton
Friday, 8/30: Antelope Dragon Dash Kickoff Assembly